I Knew I Loved you Before I Met You


Dear Mom, 

When we found out we were expecting and saw our child’s heartbeat for the very first time, the artistic side of me decided to paint and frame the saying “I knew I loved you before I met you” for the baby’s room because well, I was in love with this baby. The joy and excitement we felt was so pure but it was stripped from us when we were given the news that our little girl would be born with Down Syndrome. That innocent heartbeat was still beating strong yet people were saying ‘I’m sorry’ and trying to convince us that we shouldn’t celebrate this child. Thankfully that all changed when she came into this world with 10 fingers and 10 toes, bright blue eyes and a button nose. She was #downrightperfect!

Viena has taught us more in the past 4 years than we could've ever imagined. We have learned to be more patient and kind, to enjoy the simple things in life, and most importantly, to love unconditionally. It’s funny how you learn to not care about certain things once the purpose of life becomes so clear. Our personal lives have become all about faith, love and acceptance and we will forever embrace those purities over any fear and sorrow. As T.I. says in his song, “What you need to do is be thankful for the life you got. Stop looking at what you ain’t got and start being thankful for you DO got!” When I look at Viena, I don’t feel ‘sorry’. Instead, I feel joy and even more love because she is perfect just the way she is…with a little extra special something of course. I use to think I would have to change her for the world but now I realized I need to change the world for her! I knew I loved her before I met her, but now that I've met her I know the real meaning of L❤️VE!
